Hello! I've been thinking that our friends and family might enjoy a little life update from the Adams family!
Living in North Idaho has been exactly what we needed. Husband is home from the ship until March and being together again as a family is amazing. The transition when he got home was one of the smoothest as long as we have been married (a total answer to prayer). I honestly feel like all we have been doing together is laughing and raising our baby. I know that for our family in Boise it is hard to have us away, but have comfort in the face that the Lord has us here on purpose and that we are happy and enjoying the cute college town.
We actually were in Boise very briefly a week or so ago for a family emergency. Everything turned out ok; the grandmas are recovering, and even though we went down under exacting circumstances it was nice to connect with as many family that we could.
We have some projects we are working on while Husband is home! Some of which including unpacking a few final boxes and finding cute bookshelves to put the rest of our book and trinkets away! The other, more fun one, is that we got some new recording equipment and have had tons of fun recording covers of our favorite songs- me usually singing and Husband singing or playing th guitar.
Baby is doing great! She is almost hitting 18 lbs, still on the tall side and her head is finally measuring average on the bell curve as opposed to in the 90%. As of today she now has a total of SIX teeth! Her top four are still coming down but they are all through the gums and making her pretty fussy. She loves every food I put in front of her, except banana... and she will only feed herself. If I try to feed her with a spoon she pushes out her little lips and will dodge and turn her head away until I leave her alone. She's a quick little crawler, and of course finds the cabinets, water bottles, apples and fridge much more fun to play with than her actual toys. She'll occasionally munch on some toy animals but that's the extent. She loves "reading" books, and can turn pages on a board book, and says a variety of sounds. She loves saying "mama" and "da-da" especially when she feels she is in distress! Her eyes are still blue, isn't that crazy?! We are thinking they will stay that way. She is absolutely beautiful and smart, and overall a pretty easy baby to have as our first one! I'm so curious to see if the others down the road will have the same happy disposition.
We want to do some traveling up to Coeur'd Lane for some skiing and to Butte, MT to visit family... and who knows where else? The end of March is a while away and we want to make up for lost time! Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us, they are definitely being answered! My own have been answered as well in the form of several new amazing friendships! There is a Calvary Chapel here. The church is on the smaller end, the preaching is great, and the people who go there were so welcoming right away. We've been able to start quality friendships with people who are strong believers and some who have kids- all of which are huge praises!
Anyway, since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are some snippets of our time together so far! Thanks for reading!
Matching PJs! |
Cuties |
We got her a cozy snow suite! |
Some of you may have seen a few of these fun pictures we took when Baby turned 9 months |
She moves her high chair around the kitchen |
Applesauce is her current favorite! |
Lazy mornings are our routine with Daddy :) |